Hi IQ and Depression Seem to go Together

I have worked with individuals with depression for most of my career. It has been fairly well established that I high IQ seems to come with an increased risk of a number of mental health issues. I have never heard any research that can definitively say why higher IQ’s seem to be linked with mental health issues, but various theories seem to have arisen. One theory is that higher IQ people’s brain is like a high performance vehicle’s engine. The brain is high performing, but it is so complex that it requires greater maintenance to continue to perform optimally. In general the brain is so active a minor variation in thoughts, behaviors, chemistry, and things can go wrong. Another theory is that the more you think the more you focus on the way that things should be. You see the negatives and a bothered by them. Focusing on the negative thought will eventually change brain chemistry and lead to depression. And yet another possibility is that life’s routine becomes boring and without challenge. Boredom can lead to depression. High IQ people like new and interesting stimulus. This constant need for stimulus is difficult to maintain. So I honestly believe that someone has it right when they said ” ignorance is bliss”.